Enhanced Google Analytics Tracking

Use data layers and custom events to unleash the power of Google's Universal Analytics for your Website Tracking & Marketing Data.

Feed Better Data to Google Analytics - No Coding Required

While Google’s Universal Analytics automatically captures a significant amount of user activity on your website, most marketers would benefit from additional data and segmentation. Google Tag Manager allows you to easily send additional data to Google Analytics; however, the hard part is making the data available to GTM in the first place.

ListenLayer changes that by automatically generating data layers based on user activity on your website. Place a simple script on your website (using GTM) and turn on Listeners for the application you use – then watch the data start flowing! Automate your conversion tracking by sending events to Google Analytics or enhance your segmentation with custom dimensions – all fed dynamically through the data layers we generate – no programming required!

Once you’ve got the basics down, you can start to write powerful rules that customize your data layers, allowing you to enhance your Google Analytics by adding data and segmentation.

Build future-proof, unified tracking with Listeners & Data Layers for Google Analytics.

How ListenLayer Automates Google Analytics Tracking

ListenLayer provides improved conversion tracking and data capture through powerful data layers and events. Simply install our script, turn on the listener, and watch as data layers and events populate into GTM’s preview tool.

Use Triggers and variables inside of GTM to create a dynamic, scalable tracking framework that sends data into Google Analytics – exactly the way you need it!

The Wrong Way to Track Conversions in Google Analytics

Markers tend to build conversion tracking in Universal Analytics based on URLs. As a result, “thank you pages,” and button clicks become the methods used to track conversion points on your website – essentially, the most important activity on your website is being tracked in the most unreliable way!

Building a Website Tracking Framework

ListenLayer simplifies the difficult aspects of conversion tracking and data capture, so you can focus on building a powerful tracking model and getting the data you need.

Build a tracking framework by doing these four things:

  1. Leverage data layers to trigger conversions based on valid actions on your website
  2. Build custom data layer values that allow you to categorize website activity
  3. Use data layer values to create a tracking model in GTM, which is easy to understand and scale.
  4. Automate data collection into Google Analytics by building simple, dynamic, and scalable tags inside GTM that leverage ListenLayer’s automation.